- May, 2007: Received Masters of Arts in Education (MAED) in Visual Art and Theater from St. Catherine University
- May, 2004: Received BA in Theatre with minor in Film Studies from St. Catherine University
October 24 - November 16th, 2024: Earth and Fiber: A Journey Across Mediums at Hallberg Center for the Arts
- April 11 - May 18th, 2024: What Fierce Looks Like: Artists of the Women's Art Institute at Form+Content Gallery in Mpls, MN
- April 12 - 20th, 2024: Animal. Vegetable. Mineral. at Squirrel Haus Art in Minneapolis, MN
- December 9th Performance Piece for Rage. Remember. Renew. at Form + Content Gallery in Minneapolis, MN
- October 20 - 28th, 2023: Horrified II: Season of the Witch at Squirrel Haus Arts in Minneapolis, MN
- April 28 - 30 and May 4-7, 2023: Welcome to the Aughts at Squirrel Haus Arts in Minneapolis, MN
- October 21 - 29th, 2022: Horrified: Fear. Feminism. Fiber Arts. at Squirrel Haus Arts in Minneapolis, MN
- August 23rd - September 5th, 2022: Fine Arts Exhibition at MN State Fair
- March 18th - April 9th, 2022: MPLSART Sketchbook Project Exhibition at Gamut Gallery in Minneapolis, MN
- Feb 28th - May 21st, 2022: Fiber Optics Solo Exhibition at Gilded Pear Gallery in Cedar Rapids, IA
- July 10 – Aug 7, 2020: Layers: Kristina Fjellman and Denise Presnell Exhibition in Inez Greenberg Gallery at Artistry in Bloomington, MN
- Oct. 11- Nov. 8th, 2019: +1: Wet Paint Staff & Friends Exhibition at NewStudio Gallery in St. Paul, MN
- Sept. 7 - Oct. 19th, 2019: What is Forbidden? The Women's Art Institute 20th Anniversary Exhibition at St. Catherine University
- April 26 - May 24, 2019: Shifting Constants at NewStudio Gallery in St. Paul, MN
- May 12 - June 18, 2017: Reflection & Refraction at The Phipps Galleries in Hudson, WI
- February-March, 2017: Apparent Magnitude exhibition at Coe College in Cedar Rapids, IA –held artist talk
- January- March, 2017: Vision + Vocation: St. Catherine Alumnae Invitational Exhibition at St. Catherine University in St. Paul, MN – held artist talk; Installation purchased by SCU
- August, 2016: Fine Arts Exhibition 2016 at MN State Fair
- Oct 14, 2015 – Jan 10, 2016: Exhibiting artist for Healing Arts Program at Hudson Hospital in Hudson, WI
- Jan 8 – Feb 28, 2015: A Common Thread: Annual Members Exhibition at Textile Center
- Nov 2014 - April 2015: Made Here: Brilliance! Juried installation in storefront in downtown Minneapolis; collaboration with ceramic artist Jennica Kruse
- August 1- 30, 2014: 22nd Annual Juried Art Exhibition at The MacRostie Art Center in Grand Rapids, MN
- June 2103-Feb 2014: Featured artist in Whittier Alliance as part of Artist’s in Storefronts
- Sept 16-Oct 15, 2011: Jerome Fiber Artist Project Grant Exhibition Spaces Between at MN Textile Center
- June 4 – July 25, 2010: North of the 45th Juried Exhibition at The DeVos Art Museum in Marquette, MI
- Sept. 4- Oct. 31, 2009: Midwest Biennial Juried Exhibition in Wausau, WI
- Sept. 4-27, 2009: Savoring Summer Juried Art Exhibition at AZ Gallery in St. Paul
- October 2017: Juror for Frameworks National Juried Exhibition at Gilded Pear Gallery in Cedar Rapids, IA
- “Honorable Mention – Fiber/Textiles” in MN State Fair Fine Arts Exhibition 2016
- “Honorable Mention- 3D” in 22nd Annual Juried Art Exhibition at MacRostie Art Center
- Jerome Fiber Artist Project Grant Recipient for 2010-2011 at MN Textile Center
- Received “Best in Show” award in Savoring Summer Juried Art Exhibition at AZ Gallery
-Radial Constellation a custom commission for Private Wealth in Cedar Rapids, IA in 2022
-Elemental a four panel custom commission for Canopy by Hilton in Minneapolis in 2019
-2 sculptures in the College of St. Catherine Permanent Collection, purchased in 2007 & Installation Borealis purchased in 2017
-Lynnhurst Church in Minneapolis, purchased gold coins in 2011
-Ariston, CSC annual juried arts and literary magazine in 2007, 2006, and 2005.
-SCAN St. Catherine Alumni News magazine Spring 2007.
-2013-Present: Ensemble member of Sandbox Theatre in Minneapolis, MN
-June 2015: Teaching Assistant for Woman’s Art Institute at University of St. Catherine
-June 2009: Teaching Assistant for Woman’s Art Institute at MCAD
-Spring 2007: Teaching Assistant for Sculpture Prof. Melanie VanHouten in Contemporary Methods in Sculpture course
-2007, 2006, and 2005: invited guest artist to University of Minnesota 36th, 37th and 38th Annual Iron Pour Event.
-2006: Exhibition Coordinator for Ariston magazine
-2004-2007: Member of CSC Artist Coalition